You Need To Slow Down

"If I should die," Dalinar said, "then I would do so having lived my life right. It is not the destination that matters but how one arrives there." ~ Oathbringer - Brandon Sanderson

Remote work has enabled folks to work from anywhere if they choose to. I decided to take advantage of this optionality and work from Germany.

It's been a few days since I've arrived here in Berlin, but I already see differences between North America and Europe. The most important difference to me is the pacing of life. Things seem to move slower here. I say that it seems to, because I am used to the fast paced life that is normal for Americans.

In America, we are rushing to the next thing without even being concious of it. I came upon this realization when I was walking back to my hotel room. I told myself that there is no rush to reach my hotel room, I could slow down, enjoy the atmosphere. I did slow down only to speed up a few minutes later without realizing it. I had a repeated internal monolouge to accept the idea that it's ok to slow down.

This brings us to the question, contemporary Stoic, Ryan Holiday tells us to ask ourselves, "what are you rushing towards?"

Best case scenario for me was reaching the hotel room a few minutes early, and to do what? Nothing.

Worst case scenario?

Towards death.

The destination for everybody is the same. It is death. It doesn't matter if you run towards it or if you walk towards it with a slow pace. It's for you to decide.

Do you want to rush towards death? Or, do you want to walk towards it at a slow pace, enjoying what life has to offer?

You choose.