You Don’t Need To Have An Opinion

There's no doubt that this year has been eventful. Inflation is high. There's an economic recession. Companies aren't hiring. People are getting laid off. Gas prices are skyrocketing. Wall Street is in a bear market. Houses are unaffordable.

Yes, this causes a lot of problems for all of us. It might cause us to go through some tough times. But, you don't have to form an opinion on these external and uncontrollable events.

Marcus Aurelius, ruler of the known world some 2000 years ago, was in a similar situation. He was surrounded by wealthy people who indulged in all kinds of vices. He was dealing with the Antonine plague and chose to stay in Rome instead of fleeing. Rome was in debt. The debt was so bad that Marcus had to sell decorations from his palace to pay it back. His best friend, Avidius Cassius, betrayed him by attempting a coup.

While living through all of this, he wrote in his journal, "you don't have to turn this into something. It doesn't have to upset you. Things can't shape our decisions by themselves."

You don't need to form an opinion of things. You don't need to have an opinion on the weather. You don't need to have an opinion about the economic situation of your country. You don't need to have an opinion on inflation. You don't need to have an opinion on rising gas prices.

You can just let it be or you can adapt to it without complaining. Never overhear yourself complaining as Marcus says.

You can dress for the weather. Walk instead of taking the car. Buy the now more expensive groceries without feeling bad. Continue getting through the tough times without getting upset.

Would it be nice if things went your way? Sure, but life doesn't work that way. There are always things out of your control and you don't need to form an opinion on them. You don't have to turn it into something.

What I've Been Consuming This Week

Things that aren't doing the thing by Strangest Loop. There are many ways to fool yourself into thinking you are doing the thing you set out to do. However, there is only one way to do the thing and that is by doing the thing. So, do the thing.

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