Here is my solution of day 10. As soon as I saw those bracket I thought of using a stack.

This day's effort wasn't too bad compared to some of the previous ones. I still have not sat down to solve day 8. I will get to it after attempting at day 11.

    ")": 3,
    "]": 57,
    "}": 1197,
    ">": 25137

    ")": 1,
    "]": 2,
    "}": 3,
    ">": 4

    "(": ")",
    "{": "}",
    "[": "]",
    "<": ">"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("input.txt", "r") as f:
        lines ="\n")

    illegal_character_count = {}
    incomplete_lines = []
    autocomplete_scores = []

    for l in lines:
        stack = list()
        is_corrupted = False

        for bracket in l:
            if bracket in PAIRS.keys():
            if bracket in PAIRS.values():
                if PAIRS[stack.pop()] != bracket:
                    illegal_character_count[bracket] = illegal_character_count.get(
                        bracket, 0) + 1
                    is_corrupted = True

        if not is_corrupted:
            autocomplete_brackets = [
                PAIRS[opening_bracket] for opening_bracket in reversed(stack)

            score = 0
            for bracket in autocomplete_brackets:
                score = (score * 5) + AUTOCOMPLETE_POINTS[bracket]

    total_points = sum([v * CORRUPTION_POINTS[k] for k, v in illegal_character_count.items()])

    autocompleted_scores = sorted(autocomplete_scores)
    middle_score = autocompleted_scores[len(autocompleted_scores) // 2]

    print(f"Result for Part 1: {total_points}")
    print(f"Result for Part 2: {middle_score}")

Advent of Code 2021 - Day 10